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Thursday, 14 March, 23:03, sciencewriter.livejournal.com
В июле в Линдау пройдет встреча Нобелевских лауреатов, по этому случаю Европейская ассоциация нж выдает тревел-гранты.
Переводить в лом: "EUSJA has 8 invitations for science journalists to attend the meeting, to watch the lectures and discussions, to get a fine possibility for interviews. The participants will be offered 4 night accommodation for free and have to pay for their travelling. The applications (name, media affiliation, e-mail, mobile) must be sent by March 31 to Viola Egikova via national associations."

Отсюда http://www.eusja.org/eusja-journalists-to-lindau-meetings/

Study trip to Cadarache
The EUSJA study trip to Cadarache has 2 days program – 22 and 23 of April. 15 EUSJA journalists will get free accommodation for 2 night (exceptionally 3 nights because of flight schedules) and meal the days of the study trip. The participants have to get Aix-en-Provence (where will be accommodated in a hotel), they will be picked up and get back to the hotel by the organizers. The program with confirmed speakers has been sent out to EUSJA national associations. The applications must be sent via national associations to Viola Egikova by March 31.

Study trip to Copenhagen
EUSJA has got 8 invitations to participate 3 days press tour (May 28-30) to Copenhagen focused to biotechnology, medicine and health research in Baltic region.
The applications must be sent in respect of our rules only via national associations: name, media affiliation, e-mail, mobile. The deadline for applications is May 24.

Куда слать, найдете здесь http://www.eusja.org/national-delegates/ Успехов!
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