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и сказал он "буэээээ!"

Monday, 28 November, 17:11, wealth.livejournal.com
Затаив дыхание слежу за развитием событий с отказом некоторых студентов-мусульман брать класс по теории эволюции. Очень интересно что придумает на этот раз политкорректность.
Professors at the University College London have expressed concern at the growing number of Muslim students boycotting lectures on evolution saying they cannot take courses in the subject because it is opposed to their religious beliefs. The professors are concerned because the courses in biological evolution are an important part of the syllabus, and the theory of evolution is considered by modern biologists to be the cornerstone of modern biological thinking. According to Muslim teaching, Allah created all that is and He (Allah) only needed to command "be!" and everything came into being.
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