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Friday, 18 November, 19:11, wealth.livejournal.com
Все ж таки политкорректность в некоторых людях проявляется иногда совершенно дебильным образом. Я эпизодически почитываю коллективный блог http://collegemisery.com, где анонимные профессора/лектора спускают так сказать пары. Сегодня просто таки мега-пост: вопрос на интервью кандидату на позицию в университете - How would you say you've fostered and supported cultural and racial diversity in your classroom? Цитируется оригинальный вопрос на интервью. В комментариях народ удивляется и разводит руками. Но вот один из комментаторов отписал:
This isn't as dumb as it sounds. Even in a freshman chemistry lecture, it can be an issue. The question could be rephrased, "How do you interact with students that avoids focusing on just one culture or one demographic group?"

For instance, I break up my otherwise boring lectures with random questions that I ask my class. Here are some questions that ignore groups of my students:

What's everybody's favorite food for Thanksgiving?

I'm thinking of buying Modern Warfare 3. Has anybody played that yet?

What's the funniest bacon-themed food you've ever tried? (e.g. bacon-flavored ice cream) [BTW, the answer is this.]

None are offensive but they don't take into account that a quarter of my students are from the middle east, a third are women (who are much less likely to play MW3), etc.

In the end, I care about this not for diversity's sake but because what I do is a presentation. I want to reach my audience, that's all.

As an example of how to do it right for Dr. N, I could provide examples of how chemistry is used in various cultures and countries (oil production in the middle east, paint pigments used in European art, mentioning scientific contributions of women, etc.

oil production in the middle east
oil production in the middle east
oil production in the middle east
oil production in the middle east
oil production in the middle east
oil production in the middle east

Это между прочим пишет профессор химии.
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