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Friday, 14 October, 02:10, wealth.livejournal.com
Послали в очередной раз с NSF CAREER - на этот раз сказали, что не граунд-брейкин совсем. В прошлый раз сказали, что все отлично, но цитирований недостаточно. Очень жалко потраченного времени, сил на все эту херню. Если учесть, что время это было потрачено в Париже в июне, то совсем неприятно становится.
Под катом, если кому интересно, отказ с мутными объяснениями.
The reviews come with ratings (E/V,G,G,G,G). The reviewers appreciate
your talents and abilities. They recognize your excellent track record
and the importance of the general area of the proposed research. The
broader impacts, including software development, educational and
outreach aspects, are generally viewed as well. Unfortunately, most of
the reviewers are less enthusiastic about the proposal. While the work
is found to be generally interesting and important, there is concern
that it will not lead to potentially transformative, ground-breaking
discoveries in the area of plasmonic materials and quantum nano-optics.
The reviewers would have preferred to see more emphasis on the
fundamental scientific issues that drive the research, rather than the
emphasis on the computational aspects. A more detailed discussion of
how the proposed research would distinguish itself from similar studies
in the world could have helped. A more careful, quantum mechanical
description of losses and relaxation effects in metals would have been
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