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Wednesday, 17 August, 06:08, wealth.livejournal.com
NSF меняют определение broader impacts, которые необходимо артикулировать в заявках на гранты. Это впрочем не самое интересное в ссылке. Интересен комментарий Воррена Фанка (там же по ссылке в конце статьи):
This discussion emphasizes how important it is for scientists to step away from their (figurative) lab benches every once in a while to take a look around. None of these correspondents seem to have recognized that the nation and the world are facing a debt and deficit crisis, and that since the corrective actions in the face of the crisis will certainly involve severe reductions in governmental discretionary spending all around, their likely future includes drastic reductions in the funding of the NSF and every other support organization for research, if not total cutoffs. This is not a partisan political issue: about the only difference between the two party's approaches is in the time until the tsunami hits and the height of the wave. The longer we ignore it, the worse it'll be. Much if not all of the research funded by the federal government in the past decade has been supported with borrowed money [...]

Вот оказывается почему дефицит-то. УчОные понимаешь денег требуют. Впрочем оно и понятно - пишет канадец :)
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