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Wednesday, 10 November, 05:11, wealth.livejournal.com
У нас тут в Аризоне хотели марихуану легализовать. Не получилось. Среди прочих комментариев от ярких сторонников дури понравился больше всего следующий:
I am beginning to understand the anti pot sentiment. It must have been tough being an outcast in High School and then College. Such a loser your whole life. It must be so easy for you to say: I don't smoke pot, and pot is bad, so I am good. Now you can stay up your high moral ground and tell the rest of us that pot is illegal. But guess what we are not gonna stop smoking and having fun and you are still the loser outcast you have been your whole life. How about you start caring about things that actually effect you because I guaranty pot is not one of them. And to all of you less government people out there that voted no, This prop was a perfect example of telling the government we don't want to be told what we can or cannot put in our own bodies and you blew it. Thanks
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