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Реклама на проекте

Продемонстрировали порочность капиталистической системы...

Wednesday, 20 September, 11:09, profpr.livejournal.com
"The exhibition [documenta 14], which closed Sunday, was divided between two cities — Kassel and Athens — in part to draw attention to the failures of the capitalist system that led to Greece’s near-default on its debt in 2010. Bankruptcy there was averted by bailouts worth hundreds of billions, and Greece was plunged into a devastating economic crisis, from which it is only now emerging. Called “Learning From Athens,” Documenta 14 appears to have practiced what its title preached — at least in terms of relying on bailouts. The cost of operating a second venue appears to have contributed to a deficit of more than 7 million euros ($8.4 million)"

documenta (правильный спеллинг такой) - одна из основных выставок современного искусства Европы; проводится каждые 5 лет в Касселе (Германия). В этом году впервые выставка была проведена в двух странах. This entry was originally posted at http://profpr.dreamwidth.org/493194.html. Please comment there using OpenID.
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