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Thursday, 16 March, 01:03, prokhozhyj.livejournal.com
      "Domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) have a total mass of ≈20 Mt, similar to the combined biomass of all wild terrestrial mammals. Domestic cats (Felis catus) have a total biomass of ≈2 Mt, almost double that of the African savanna elephant and four times that of all moose..."

R e f e r e n c e s

      Greenspoon L., Krieger E., Sender R., Rosenberg Y., Bar-On Y.M., Moran U., Antman T., Meiri S., Roll U., Noor E., Milo R. 2023. The global biomass of wild mammals // PNAS. 120 (10): e2204892120 (link).

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