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Wednesday, 15 December, 00:12, progenes.livejournal.com
(userinfo.gif?v=1brother2 посвящается)Боян, но все еще актуально, как никогда. В 2000 году в Journal of Systems and Software Volume 54, Issue 1, Page 1 опубликована статья авторства R. L. GlassA letter from the frustrated author of a journal paper.Начинается она Dear Sir, Madame, or Other:Enclosed is our latest version of Ms. #1996-02-22-RRRRR, that is the re-re-re-revised revision of our paper. Choke on it. We have again rewritten the entire manuscript from start to finish. We even changed the g-d-running head! Hopefully, we have suffered enough now to satisfy even you and the bloodthirsty reviewers.А продолжается вот какI shall skip the usual point-by-point description of every single change we made in response to the critiques. After all, it is fairly clear that your anonymous reviewers are less interested in the details of scientific procedure than in working out their personality problems and sexual frustrations by seeking some kind of demented glee in the sadistic and arbitrary exercise of tyrannical power over hapless authors like ourselves who happen to fall into their clutches. We do understand that, in view of the misanthropic psychopaths you have on your editorial board, you need to keep sending them papers, for if they were not reviewing manuscripts they would probably be out mugging little old ladies or clubbing baby seals to death. Still, from this batch of reviewers, C was clearly the most hostile, and we request that you not ask him to review this revision. Indeed, we have mailed letter bombs to four or five people we suspected of being reviewer C, so if you send the manuscript back to them, the review process could be unduly delayed.Доступ к полной версии статьи требует подписки, но добрые люди выложили эту нетленку для всех желающих. Инджой ит.
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