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Снова алгеброй по гармонии

Tuesday, 02 September, 15:09, sergepolar.livejournal.com
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Searching for a Unique Style in Soccer
Laszlo Gyarmati, Haewoon Kwak, Pablo Rodriguez
(Submitted on 1 Sep 2014)

Is it possible to have a unique, recognizable style in soccer nowadays? We address this question by proposing a method to quantify the motif characteristics of soccer teams based on their pass networks. We introduce the the concept of "flow motifs" to characterize the statistically significant pass sequence patterns. It extends the idea of the network motifs, highly significant subgraphs that usually consists of three or four nodes. The analysis of the motifs in the pass networks allows us to compare and differentiate the styles of different teams. Although most teams tend to apply homogenous style, surprisingly, a unique strategy of soccer exists. Specifically, FC Barcelona's famous tiki-taka does not consist of uncountable random passes but rather has a precise, finely constructed structure.
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