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Thursday, 19 September, 14:09, dimrill-dale.livejournal.com
Эту книгу описывают так, что мне захотелось прочитать.
Some writers use metaphors in science. Some go further and make a metaphor of science itself — not the practical art of observation and empirical testing, but the often-tricky concepts at the heart of the pursuit. Such writing is difficult, and scientists and non-scientists alike can struggle with the result. But when done well, the language of research and the grammar of the natural world can sing a song as sweet as anything in literature. The supposed differences between the two cultures dissolve, leaving only those who get it and those who do not.

Book smart. Novelist Thomas Pynchon shows that science and art can combine, with mutual benefit.
Fiction: Silicon and surveillance

Вот автор: http://www.thomaspynchon.com/
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