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Рассказы про планеты

Tuesday, 03 September, 09:09, dimrill-dale.livejournal.com
По-моему, хороший пример популяризации и просто outreach.
Книга A Kepler's Dozen с тринадцатью рассказами про экзопланеты, открытых телескопом "Кеплер". Большинство историй используют какое-то свойство открытой планеты для сюжета. Простенько, но если неплохо написано, может быт занимательно:
In this intriguing book, 13 science-fiction writers – including Kepler project scientist Steve Howell and a few other "moonlighting" astronomers – have applied their imaginations to the facts that Kepler has given us, producing stories based on "distant worlds that really exist". Each story is inspired by a specific Keplerian planet and prefaced with a short description of what we know about it, including its mass, surface temperature and distance from its parent star.
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