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Какую социальную сеть выбрать? В помощь нарциссистам

Sunday, 07 July, 19:07, profpr.livejournal.com
"... we compare two ways of measuring use of two different SNS [social networking site] – Facebook and Twitter – by testing the hypothesis that SNS use is positively associated with narcissism. We also explore the relation between these types of SNS use and different types of narcissism. "

"Within the broadly defined construct of narcissism there exist several discrete types of narcissistic behavior and thinking. The existence of six different types of narcissism has been confirmed on multiple occasions by psychology researchers using p rinciple component analyses ( e.g., Raskin & Terry, 1988; Twenge & Campbell , 2009 ). These six types are Exhibitionism (i.e., showing off), Entitlement (i.e., believing that one deserves the best ), Exploitativeness (i.e., taking advantage of others ), Superio rity (i.e. feeling better than others ), Authority (i.e., feeling like a leader ), and Self - sufficiency (i.e., valuing independence ). The six types all convey a sense of high self - valuation but relate to distinct feelings and behaviors, some of which (e.g., Self - sufficiency) carry positive connotations and others (e.g., Exploitativeness) which do not. "

"Our findings suggest that posting on Twitter is associated with Exploitativeness, Superiority, and Self - Sufficiency while Facebook posting is associated with Exhibitionism and Authority."

Panek et al., 2013. Mirror or Megaphone?: How Narcissists Differ in Their Use of Facebook and Twitter. International Communication Association Annual Conference.

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