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Thursday, 04 April, 04:04, wealth.livejournal.com
Оказывается есть такой мега-сайт под названием Консервапедия. Среди прочего прекрасного есть там статья о Е равно эм це квадрат. Небольшая цитата

Declaring the object's energy to be a function of inertia rather than electrostatics is an absurd and impossible attempt to unify the forces of nature, contrary to the accepted view (as predicted by Biblical Scientific Foreknowledge) that the forces of nature have not been unified. Liberal scientists assert the formula E=mc² is not limited to nuclear reactions; it applies to chemical reactions and even to the energy stored in a compressed spring.

Вот так вот! Либеральные ученые атакуэ.
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