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Entrepreneurship is a New Art. Ecosystems and Curators.

Monday, 17 December, 16:12, adhoceducation.blogspot.com
Entrepreneurship is a new Art. Products and services are new media. New media that transmits value to people. If Victor Tsoy or Strugatsky brothers were born just 20 or 30 years ago they wouldn't write books or play music, they'd do startups, disruptive startsups. As they did disruptive art.As art becomes mainstream (yes, entrepreneurship became mainstream, it's already cool now), ecosystems are growing and does matter. Curators, record studios, publishing houses and all that stuff appear. Digital October with Dmitry Repin is a gallery to exhibit founders and entrepreneurs' works, it's a place buy and sell new ventures. Hopes and Fears by LAM and with Nikolay Kononov are historians and mediators of these entreprenerial arts. 'Ingria' Incubator is a new Leningrad Rock-club, if you know what I mean. And yes, we copy a lot from the West.picture.jpg Is9n6v6o81M.jpgphoto from Zvuki.ru and tbd2.ruIt doesn't matter how do you run your venture: grassroots or investors. In bothway the ecosystem affects you and your business. Within Game|Changers 'Ecosystem and Entrepreneurship' track we will explore people, communities, events, education programs, reports, rankings, non-profits, corporations and universities that form current entreprenereal ecosystem in St. Petersburg and Moscow and compare it with corresponding institutions in US, Europe and Asia.Learning approaches:Case Studies (meetings with experts, interviews, reading)Quests (customer development, GR, events participation)Projects (publications, events, startups, consulting)As a result each student will have a portfolio of contacts and completed tasks and projects that introduce him or her to entrepreneureal experience and connects with the most related parts of the global ecosystem/Related materials (ecosystems, entreprenership from 0 to 1, schedule and program draft)Requirements:1. Make through the mentioned links to get a general understanding what the reason we talk about art here, what is entrepreneurship and what is ecosystem and why do you need all that in details personally. 2. Provide portfolio of previous projects (studies and work). Pass an on-site interview.3. Be ready to contribute your 8 hours a week and couriosity to the track.11351582-5981897283187951108?l=adhoceducation.blogspot.com
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