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Sunday, 02 December, 03:12, imbg.livejournal.com
Genevestigator предлагает новый сервис - до конца 2012 года бесплатно. С помощью его можно сравнить результаты анализа экспрессии своих генов с данными других исследователей по этим же генам.

Доступны две базы - биомедицинская и для растений!
Дальше даю английский текст, т.к. тем кому это может быть интересно, перевод вряд ли нужен:

Dear Genevestigator User,

Has anybody else in the world obtained similar results as you have?

To help you answer this type of question, we just released the "Signature tool" in Genevestigator.

Enter a list of genes and their corresponding expression values (absolute or relative) obtained for instance by RT-qPCR, microarrays or RNAseq, and Genevestigator will search its expression compendium to identify conditions in which the given expression signature occurs.

As an introduction, the Signature tool will be in BASIC access until the end of 2012. It will then become part of Genevestigator ADVANCED. So take advantage of this opportunity to try out this unique tool! For a brief description and tutorial, see here:


We also announce a significant improvement of the Quick Search and Gene Selection features in Genevestigator. Formerly, when entering a gene ID, Genevestigator sometimes proposed too many genes and probesets. You can now specify whether it should search exact matches or use alternative search options.

Best regards from Zurich,

The Genevestigator Team

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