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Counter-entry-visa policy

Wednesday, 17 October, 15:10, posic.livejournal.com
The following personal policy statement is intended for the attention
of any persons or institutions who may desire to invite me to
participate in any events taking place in countries imposing
restrictions on entry of the Russian passport holders.

Experience has taught me that obtaining entry visas is by far the most
serious problem involved with the foreign travel (housing being
a distant second). The following disclaimer addresses the issue.

I explicitly disclaim and refuse to accept any responsibility for
the outcomes of my interactions with foreign consulate services or
visa centers. All such responsibility rests with the inviting party,
the foreign government, and/or its electorate.

My acceptance of any invitations involving visa application in advance
of travel is conditional upon my ability to make my way through the visa
application process, which is not in any way assured or guaranteed,
either in whole or in any particular part. Any reliance on me being
able to complete the process is at your own risk.

In particular, any instances of insulting or humiliating treatment by
the consulates or their employees will lead to the application process
being terminated by me immediately. Absurd or irrelevant questions
posed either in the application forms or during the oral interviews will
not be answered, and unjustified demands of any kind will be refused.

Once terminated, the application process will not be resumed, with
rarest exceptions. If the entry visa of any country is ever denied or
not issued in time, no repeat applications will be made in the future.


The potential inviting parties are advised that, in most cases,
the only way to ensure my attention being given to their invitations
is to enclose a valid entry visa with the invitation letter.

Your attention is directed to the following simple argument. It is
obvious that the inviting parties have a much better mutual trust and
understanding with their own governments than I as a foreigner have.
If you do not know who I am, you have no business inviting me; if you
do, take it upon yourself to explain as much to you own government.

It is your and not my duty to convince your compatriots and your
government that my presence is desirable. If your country's laws
do not allow for this at present, it is up to you as a citizen
to bring the legislation in line with the common sense.

Until the necessary reforms are accomplished, you are welcome to
organize an event in a country imposing no advance visa application
requirement on the Russian passport holders, and invite me there.

Leonid Positselski

Posted on October 17, 2012
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