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Thursday, 15 March, 23:03, wealth.livejournal.com
Очень показательный текст - гневная рецензия усредненного по всем штатам evangelical christian на эссе Харриса Letter to a Christian Nation.
1. Believe it or not, many of us want to see the separation of church and state just as much as Mr. Harris does, but not to the point of infringing upon our freedoms and expressions of our beliefs. For example, if we had prayer in schools today, to whom would my children be asked to pray in this day of political correctness? I want the state to stay out of the church and out of trying to shape the beliefs of my children.

2. Some of us just love God and His doctrines and don't ascribe to every Republican doctrine.

3. Not all true Christians believe that we should be fighting a political agenda as our primary mission.. However, we are part of the state, and should participate as citizens of the state. The mission we were asked to undertake by our Lord was to spread the Good News, not to enforce our beliefs on our nation. Too often, the good news isn't heard because voices crying for some political agenda drown out the important messages from a loving God.

Separation of Church and State, is designed to keep the state out of the church. You can not take the church out of the state, because "we the people" are the state, and many of "we the people" are the church. The beliefs of the people are what lead our state, as it should be. Our beliefs come to bear just as much as Mr. Harris brings his beliefs to bear in the state, and I welcome everyone to participate in bringing their beliefs to bear, but please don't overbear.

I think it is a shame that this agenda against conservative, Bible believing Christians assumes that everyone that claims to be a "Christian" is the same as every other legalistic, politically motivated person that uses the banner of Christian." I have no desire whatsoever to dress up the unsaved of our nation to appear as Christians.

Yes, I believe the Bible, because it is irrefutable, and I am not an ideologue, I believe in applying the scientific method. God gave us brains and He doesn't want us to put them aside to believe something contrary to our rational minds. You may find this hard to believe, but some of us even have IQ's over 145, so please don't speak of us as though we are fools with a herd-like-following.
Интересно, писавший это все сам-то понял насколько смешно глупо он выглядит.
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