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Реклама на проекте

Век живи - век учись

Saturday, 05 February, 11:02, sergepolar.livejournal.com
Не знал я, что wi-fi придумал радиоастроном http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_O%27Sullivan_%28astronomy/engineering%29

Как не знал и о том, что коммерческие права на Эйнштейна принадлежат Hebrew University.
GreenLight licences the commercial use of the name "Albert Einstein" and associated imagery and likenesses of Einstein, as agent for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. As head licensee the corporation can control commercial usage of Einstein's name and theoretically ensure compliance with certain standards (e.g., when Einstein's name is used as a trademark, the ™ symbol must be used).[13]
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