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Leader of Mars Society Russia

Friday, 14 June, 20:06, alien3.livejournal.com
Роберт Зубрин, президент Марсианского общества, опубликовал письмо Насти Степановой, испытателя-исследователя в проходящем сейчас четырёхмесячном международном изоляционном модельном эксперименте «SIRIUS-19» в Институте медико-биологических проблем РАН.

Роберт давно дружит с Настей и регулярно называет её главой российского Марсианского общества (a leader of Mars Society Russia). Но она сама скептически к этому относится. Где Россия, а где Марс? Это метафора.
Но я знаю, что если она однажды решится стать президентом Марсианского общества в России, мне придётся стать вице-президентом Mars Society Russia, чтобы поддержать её в этом почти безнадёжном деле.
Ведь будущее не предопределено...

Два года назад я написал, что после скоропостижной смерти Юрия Караша, в русскоязычном публичном пространстве осталось всего два независимых, но заметных апологета пилотируемой марсианской экспедиции: я и Настя Степанова.

Dear Robert, thank you so much for sending my name with Mars 2020 mission. It means a lot to me, that you remembered me and had the time in your busy schedule to take care of that. Next week Sirius crew will record video for you and Mars Society.

Everything is good here, although as expected vitamin D is low and lets hope when we are out to summer sun we wont burn as vampires. Today is 81 day in isolation, now officially the longest after MDRS 80 days. It is very different experience and I can’t stop comparing. I would say that to actually live, work, explore Mars is much more challenging, inspiring, productive than orbiting the Moon. But here are another challenges, hidden ones. To work with you inner self, to be patient, tolerant, adjust to crewmates and to train on treadmill (passive and active) everyday for 30-40 min with no exceptions. Most emphasis is on psychology and physiology of human in isolation, stress and sensor deprivation. We had sleep deprivation for 36 hours and it was not bad at all. As long as you are busy with work you wont fall asleep. On the day 61 four of us landed on the Moon, basically the crew went to Module 50 cubic meters and stayed there for 7 days, doing 3 EVAs in a hangar with immersive VR technology. Mission specialist 2 and I stayed at orbital station and were in charge of communication with Earth. Everything went well. Now we are continuing with variety of medical experiments and looking forward to another sleep deprivation. We are supposed to come out on 17-19 of July.

I’m planning to come to Mars Society convention and maybe will be great to give a talk about Mars 160 and Sirius as two different parts that crew should pass to get to Mars. What do you think?
How are you and Hoppe? Hug her from me and looking forward to meet you!
From Moon orbit with love!

This entry was originally posted at https://alien3.dreamwidth.org/1434924.html. Please comment there using OpenID.
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