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2016 in Review: Russian Domestic Politics

Monday, 09 January, 10:01, grey-dolphin.livejournal.com
Мой обзор под этим названием опубликован в издании Russian Analytical Digest (No.195):

"2016 was a routine year of further consolidation of Russia’s authoritarian regime. Using a strategy of three “Ds” – disengagement, destruction, and disinformation – almost all domestic challenges to the Kremlin’s dominance were eliminated, the popular legitimacy of the political order has been restored to a certain degree, and even the stiff competition between interest groups for access to rents has not really challenged the political status quo... As a title for the year look no further than the new book, published in October 2016, by St. Petersburg scholar and analyst Dmitry Travin, “Will Putin’s System Survive until 2042?” Yet, major challenges for Russia may arise much earlier than this date."

Полный текст доступен по ссылке: http://www.css.ethz.ch/content/dam/ethz/special-interest/gess/cis/center-for-securities-studies/pdfs/RAD195.pdf
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