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Реклама на проекте

Dear Mr. Wahl,

Tuesday, 04 August, 20:08, posic.livejournal.com
I do not need to be reminded that Duke considers itself to be a general journal with very high standards. You need to be reminded that you've found my own work to be not up to these standards, and more than once.

I do not review for journals that would not publish my own work.

Leonid Positselski

Dear Professor Positselski,

My Editor <...> has suggested that you could give us your cnsidered opinion on a Duke submission, "<...>", by <...>. I attach what he wrote me (as well as the paper itself). I remind you that Duke is a general journal with very high standards, and a current backlog (plus "too many" good submissions).

Jonathan Wahl

Duke Mathematical Journal
Professor Jonathan Wahl
Managing Editor, Duke Mathematical Journal
Fellow, American Mathematical Society
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